Nov 20, 2008

SassyFrass Kids is here!!

I am so excited to let you all know that my webiste for SassyFrass Kids is up and running! Well, almost. Its just a welcome/sign my newsletter page at the moment. But its sooo pretty! My bro did an awesome job designing my logo. He put a ton of time into it ( time he really didn't have!) and he put up with my confusion and pickiness. I appreciate it so much! So go, now, check it out and pass it on to your friends. Tell them how cool I am and so therefore the things I make must be cool as well!

Oh yeah!


  1. Your website is ADORABLE. I don't believe that you are neglecting everything, I believe that you are a supermom. Truly. How do you do it all? Maybe we SHOULD move up by you guys so I can soak up all of your motivation! I can't wait to watch your business progress.

  2. Hey Ashley!
    I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to say goodbye before I left. You guys were the best neighbors ever and I'm really going to miss you all. Good luck with your business. Your website looks great. You are so cute and creative. I hope you come down to Springville sometime. You are welcome at our house anytime. Tell Nate good luck with school. I'll keep checking your blog.


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