In leu of my pretty deep and soul bearing post I stuck up on here yesterday, I decided it felt nice to show you a part of who I really was and thought it was a good thing to let everyone see the real side of me every now and then. I can't tell you how many blogs I search through everyday where I check out the author and think," wow she is so perfect, her life must be too!", or " she is so talented and has it all together, I wish I was more like that."
Have you ever thought this about any one you know?...come on, I know you have! :)
But honestly, how much of that amazing woman's (or man's I suppose) life do we really see? A tenth of a percentage...maybe? What are they really like, in real life? What does their house look like while they are crafting way? Do their kids ever have the t.v. as a babysitter? Is their house spotless on the out side, but only because secretly everything is shoved into the closet? Are they always smiling and happy about life? How do they make time for it all without going crazy!..Or are they crazy, and we just don't know it? :) This hidden away side of us is hard to show. We wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfortable, or reveal our frailties to the world. It goes against our nature to admit weakness, or in my case...a boatload of weaknesses!
But how nice and refreshing does it feel to learn that someone else doesn't do their dishes everyday? Or has a mountain of laundry that has been waiting to be put away for days? I love it when I learn that my friends feel insecure sometimes, or when we cry together. It connects us, bonds us together as women and helps us to realize we don't have to be perfect at every little thing. The pressure and burden we constantly feel is eased, if only for a brief moment.
Of course, I may be speaking for everyone here unfairly. Maybe there are some incredible people out there who do have their acts together and do anything and everything perfectly while feeling no stress what so ever. If you do exist (which I don't believe you do...) then this section of my blog is not for you, unless it helps you to feel better about your perfectness to read about my imperfectness, in the which case feel free and please comment. :)
But for those of the rest of us who are striving hard each day to be the best we can, and still feel we come up short, I hope my opening up about my real true self helps you to be more at peace with yours.
Enjoy, laugh, cry, cringe, sympathize, judge, applaud..what ever..... just do it with a comment! :)
Ashleigh, you ARE perfect to sweet perfect little girl...what can I say, if you have faults, they seem to slip through the cracks of my rose colored glasses I view you with.