Apr 18, 2012

One more year...

The Man had his 32nd birthday this month. 
I thought I would break out of our usual, lame "stay home and do nothing" celebration routine and actually invite some people over. We had a barbecue with his all time favorite food group:

We have a fun group of friends that we have met here in dental school. Including a family who I like to call our twin family! They have the same amount of kids as us, very close to the same ages. We both had baby boys right about the same time and they have the same religious background as we do. They also decided to become dentists just like us and are first year students as well.
So funny. :)
We also have met a couple who's kids are older and out of the house who decided to change their lives as well and come to dental school. They are both so sweet and funny and we love them.
And we can't forget the friends we have had for FOR-EV-Er (think sandlot)!
The Mans old mission companion and his wife and their kids. I think we have followed each other around the country for the last 8 years. ha ha! Im going to be sad when we move way from each other.

Everyone was so nice to make the looooooong drive out to our house. Im so excited to move in closer to the school in a few months!

One of The Man's favorite kinds of cakes is The All American from Costco. 
Its huge! 
And so rich and chocolatey you only need a few bites. 
It goes perfectly with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream! 

Not too long after this picture was taken I got attacked by this very large tub of Ice Cream. Our friend Preston was scooping for us and my cheap scooper broke mid-scoop and sent the whole thing flying into my leg. 
It was hilarious!

Im glad The Man and his friends were able to take a little bit of a break. School has been pretty crazy these last few weeks and I know they are all stressed. It was nice to sit around and just relax and laugh for a while with people we love. 

His new snazzy Navy hat. 
Have I mentioned we're in the Navy? I don't think I have....
But thats a whole different post. :)

We love our dad so much and think he is the best!
 I can't believe we have spent almost 10 years together. It feels like it has just flown by. We have moved more times that the years we have been married, we've been students pretty much that whole time and we have been through a lot and had many adventures. It has been so fun and all definitely worth it. 

Happy Birthday babe!

Apr 14, 2012


I knew that if I gave my self a deadline, like when I said "tomorrow", I would eat my own words. Ha ha. I can never say I will do something at a certain time. Once I do I feel all sorts of pressure. I panic and I just end up disappointing myself and everyone else who is waiting for me. Its a weakness I have that I really hate.  But I miss blogging and I need to get back into the groove. When I miss posts I miss out on having my life and my families' life documented for the future. I get all flustered and and frustrated and feel like I can't go back and post about all the things that have happened since its already come and gone. 
I need to get over that. 
Do you realize I haven't even blogged about my sons baptism...and that was almost a year ago? 
yeah, bad mommy. 
How does everyone else do it? Stay so organized in their lives? 
I feel like I can barely keep my head above water these days, with everything piling up and then tumbling over on top of me. When this happens I tend to retreat from my life and just stay in bed, which makes things worse of course. I thought though, today that if I could just get writing again I could let it all out here and maybe then I could somehow find the heart to get up and get moving.

So the next few posts might be extremely personal, a little sad and might not sound like my normal self. I am a human though, I do have things happen in my life that aren't perfect. I think thats a huge part of why most of us feel this way sometimes. We see such a small part of others lives that make it look to us as though they have it all together and we suck in comparison. But I don't think they do really. I think everyone is just the same, with days they don't feel like cleaning, or cooking or doing anything. Days where they don't want to get out of bed. 
And I say thats ok.

Im sure I have written about this before, but I know its good to keep reminding myself. This is meant to be a journal and all though its public, I still want to write about all the personal things that are a big part of my life, along with all the funny and exciting things as well. I need to write about being sad. Its where I am right now. I shouldn't lock these days away deep down somewhere and forget them just so I can put on a happy face front.
It would be detrimental. 
And it wouldn't be real.

And thats what Ive always strived to be here in this space... is real.

Thanks for sticking around.