This is His/Her spine and head
Here are some arms and hands....( in the one on the right he/she is sheilding his/her face..this baby is really shy!!)
Four chambers of the heart..
So there ya go! I will definitely keep you all up to date.
Oh I had a question for anyone out there reading this. My friend told me that she had some lady tell her that you can always tell what you will be having by taking the age you are, the month you concieved and adding them together. If its an odd number its a boy, an even one its a girl. This formula has proven true for the two I already have. I was 19 when I conceived The Boy and it was in December. So thats 19 plus 12..that makes 31. An odd number. With Little Girl I was 22 and conceived in April, so 22 plus 4..26. An even number. Weird huh? All the people I have asked so far say its the same for them.
So everyone think about your children and let me know! If this is right, I wil be having a girl...but we shall see!