Mar 10, 2010

you are sooo funny...

May I be candid with you all? Yes? Thank, you I knew I could say whatever I wanted to  around here and you all would still love and appreciate me..and possible have a little empathy for this selfish mother! :)

To be frank, The Man thinks its about time we had another baby. Haaa haa haa haa HAaa haa....!! (oh, please excuse my insane laughter..)  I will tell you right now... I. AM. NOT. READY.

To be fair, the reasoning behind his time frame is mostly due to his thoughtfulness of my needs. How so? Well, in about a year and a half we will be starting our first year of dental school. *knock on wood* A first year school schedule consist of 28-32 full time credit hours, which basically renders me a single mother. He feels the sooner we have a baby, the older he/she (though hopefully a he. No more girls PLEASE!) will be when I am pretty much on my own. No to mention the fact that we would be done having kids all together. *knock on wood even harder*

But, to be incredibly honest even just the thought of having another child right now makes me physically exhausted, and somewhat sick to my stomach. It could be due to the fact that I already have three kids with completely conflicting schedules, or that I am also in school. I could be that I have too much weight to lose before I even want to think about it, or it could mostly be due to being Selfish. Its true. I am..but only with my free time. I LOVE the age my kids are at right now. They are able to go to bed without me present. They don't need my boobs for nourishment and I can stay out as long as I want to without worrying whether or not they are screaming bloody murder, and then having that thought induce embarrassing lactation accidents. *sigh* Its wonderful. I also can't help but remember THIS...and it literally makes me shutter. Ha Ha :)

Am I the only one who feels this way? Come on ladies, what do you think?


  1. Your kids are sooooo cute. I do see where he's coming from but you have to listen to your body!

  2. ASH! Thanks for posting this! I know EXACTLY how you feel! Travis is ready for another at any time. I, on the other hand, am so not! I need to get in shape! I need to worry about if a third kid would make me lose my's half gone already! Yikes. Oh man. I feel your dilemma. And I am selfish, too. But it's being selfish for my own well-being and the two kids we already have, and for my husband. I would be spread way too thin and my family would suffer. (That's how I like to think of it...) What's a girl to do??

  3. YES girl, I hear ya. I watch a newborn and shutter. I watch lila and melt. and yet, I know it is time...and I want to cry. haha we will see. They are all worth it in the end, right. right ? haha. Your pic of them on the couch is so dangcute.

  4. It's your body and you can wait. But your kids are so stinking cute I wouldn't mind if you had another. ;)

  5. after seeing that picture, how can you NOT want a 4th? ;-) On the other hand, that is EXACTLY how i felt having took us 3 years...and I really did feel ready. A lot of it was emotional and a lot of physical. I hear you about having to lose weight. if we were to have another one right now, I would be HUGE and my body would rebel more that it already wait until you feel the same thing THE MAN is feeling. Good luck!

  6. I dont think you should be in any hurry! Mostly because of all of the school N is about to go through for years and years. Having another baby right now or soon will just really complicate YOUR life. But of course, I would LOVE having another niece or nephew. :) I also think you have to be in the right place physically, mentally and emotionally to have another child, and you clearly arent because of all of your worries and concerns. Just dont wait TOO long or else your 4th will be a wierdo haha.

    P.S- your new layout is SUPER cute! I love all the picts up top!

  7. Oh Man, you are not the only person who feels that way!!! I was thinking last week that I do not want to have another baby for awhile. In fact, I would be alright if we were done, we probably aren't, but if this were our family for eternity I would be alright with it. You are a great mom Ashleigh, never forget that!!

  8. hi honey, I am not really the person to give advise.. so I wont..Do whatever you feel is best. I have deleted my facebook page, so if you need me, just text me. miss ya!!

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  10. I. COULDN'T. AGREE. MORE. why do you think i only have one kid, i'm afraid to have a girl too. i need me time and girlfriend so do you. you need to take care of your needs and if that's how you feel, so be it.


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