Dec 1, 2010

Christmas comes early....

For those of you who may not know, and for those of you who do and are waiting to hear, my hubby has been spending the last two years trudging through difficult pre-requisit classes to be able to apply for dental school. The last few months of our life was spent waiting around for interview invites and then flying The Man all over the country so he could do an amazing job of selling himself and convincing them all that he would be a great asset to their program. We have been anxiously awaiting this very day, Dec. 1st, when all the schools release their official offers of acceptance and this morning it was literally like waking up on Christmas morning to a huge pile of incredible gifts.

The Man received an invite to his top choice school via phone call at 6:11 am this morning!! It was funny because his phone alarm was going off and I as complaining about it, since he had decided to stay home from class. As soon as he turned it off, it started up again and I was just about to start getting REALLY cranky when I realized it wasnt the alarm, but his actual ring tone. He jumped out of bed and all I heard was:

"Hello!? Yes, this is he......."as he ran down the stairs.

About five minutes later I hear him skipping up the stairs saying, " dootie doo, doo dootie doo...." I knew it had to be something good, since it was sooooo early in the morning and he was literally jumping up the stairs and singing to himself! :) Needless to say neither of us got much sleep after that since we were way tooo excited (not to mention Little Girl had just decided to wake up and hang out in our bed). Later we found out we had also been accepted to U of Indiana, U of Louisville and Minneapolis! So today has been an amazing day! I am taking the Man Out to dinner tonight to celebrate.

Im so thankful for all of The Man's hard work and dedication. Im am thankful for answered prayers and I am especially thankful for the lesson in patience and long suffering that I have learned, and probably will continue to be learning....for forever... :)


  1. YAYAYAYAY!! Congrats. That is VERY exciting, and such a relief. we are so happy for you. Hard work is paying...but lots to come huh. you probably didn't put where you are going for privacy reasons...right? But still...I'm dying to know!! Congrats again.

  2. YAY Ashleigh!!! I'm so happy for you!!! It's got to be so nice to finally know where you are going!! I'm gonna miss you though!! We need to get out lots before you go. Thankfully this baby will be out of me soon so I might actually have some energy to go do something!! I love you Ash!!


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