Sep 9, 2008

Who said I had time?

So I know I always post about how much more I am going to post,if that makes sense, but it seems to always be not quite the truth. I keep thinking, "oh Baby girl will be asleep here in about... never... and I will blog then." Of course then laundry calls and says its way overdue for a cleaning and my kitchen starts crying because she somehow got her nice floor dirty. While I try to deal with two things at once my bathroom decides to puke and I can't find a clean towel for the life of me..oh yea, they're all in the laundry.....


  1. Ahh, you say it SO well!! We miss all of your posts, but understand!

  2. You should be a writer... I totally could see all of the apartment talking to me just then!!! I love you and miss you!

  3. You crack me up!! That is my life in a nutshell. I guess I just admitted I'm nuts. It fits.

  4. Ashleigh ,
    One day you just disappeared! Congrats on your baby I love her name! I miss seeing you on the way to Melissa's preschool. Bridger goes there now. Well I hope life is treating you good! Visit me at By the way it seems my house gets in my way all the time as well! JoDee


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