Sep 3, 2008

I finally have a minute

Wow, here we are. Finally! All moved in to our new apartment ( good old apartment I have not missed you..) and feeling settled. The man just started classes and I am already a single mom, he's either in class, studying for class or job shadowing dentists to get into dental school for more classes! Always fun. 

On a happier note we LOVE where we live. The complex has a large LDS population with tons of kids. Every person in my stair well is LDS and the girls are great! They are all really nice and friendly and that makes a huge difference in how the moving transition goes.  The Boy is in heaven with all his friends here and little girl is getting in on the action as well. I noticed all day yesterday how grown up my children are becoming. The Boy just looks like well..a little boy, no more baby fat on that one. He is skinny as a rail. And Little girl is getting taller and thinning out and getting farther away from my little baby everyday. I was sad and happy all at the same time. Lyla is getting huge! I forget how fast my babies pack on the fat. What a pudge, but it is so cute! ;-) She is smiling at you all the time now and I think she is right on the verge of laughing. I can't wait! I would post pictures but  my camera is MIA and I haven't been able to take any. Hopefully that will change soon. ( hint hint Kim!)

Now that we are here I will now be posting regularly again, for those three of you who actually read this...I know you are so ecstatic!  I missed writing....


  1. I am working on it!! Sending it out today even. Sorry. I got a little side tracked...

  2. You're back!!! I always read even if I don't comment.

    I'm glad the move went well, I really hope N likes school. Your kids are awesome and I can't wait for pictures!!!

  3. WAHOO!!! You are back!! I have missed you way too much and all your uncanniness!! <--is that even a word?! Anyway, yay!

  4. im glad your up and running again. moving is sooo hard. we are about to move too so i know how you feel. except i don't have a new baby to move with.

  5. We miss you guys! I can't believe everything you have done with three kids - one of which being so new out of the WOMB. You are my idol. Plus, your dentist dream/goal is inspiring..... ;)

    I'm looking forward to more pics of Lyla and your family!!

  6. Awesome! Glad to have you back! Good to know you are still alive and doing well! Can't wait for future posts!

  7. Hey Kim! I found you through Andrea's blog. Your blog is so cute! You'll have to check ours out sometime. I am glad you like where you live. That is the only thing I do miss about apt. living... all of the kids and fun moms. We miss ya! Katy


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