Apr 9, 2010

So today, instead of cleaning my house...I decided to Make New Friends!!! 

blog button

Jill over at Barnes Yard started this last week and I am all for it, since...who couldn't use some more blogging buddies!? Seriously...

I would feature Jill herself, since I just started lurking around checking out her blog, but I think that would go against the rules. :)

So I am going to feature Ana @ Knock Off wood. I know I blogged about her just a little while ago, but I can't help it. Her furniture designs are so amazing and easy to build. If you have expensive taste in beautiful furniture but have a budget for thrift store finds you are going to be so excited when you see what you can build on your own, on the cheap! Plus, she does it all for free, because she is AWESOME!

And can we say model? Seriously..she is gorgeous! And lives in the boondocks of Alaska to beat! My husband is so jealous! :)

I have yet to build any of her plans, since I have been incredibly lazy busy, but one of these days imma gonna do it!

So go...check her out...drool...pick a plan and take it on! You won't be able to resist it when you see all the pictures people have sent in of their own finished creations. So. Incredible.


  1. I love it-the peanut gallery! I used to have a teacher in middle school that always said that!
    Anyway, thanks for linking up!! I can't wait to look around your blog some more. :)

  2. I'm stopping by from the Make New Friends Linky. Nice to meet you!

    I am off to look around and check out your recommendation.

  3. Hi Ashleigh! any friend of Ana's is a friend of mine. I mean I'm pretty much her stalker....probably one of hundreds, actually.

    It's nice to meet you. I look forward to reading more soon!


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